Support Us


The Tibbetts Point Lighthouse Historical Society is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit corporation founded in 1989 to preserve the historic lighthouse in Cape Vincent NY and interpret the area's rich maritime history for visitors and residents alike. We depend on the generosity of our Donors to maintain the historical structures at the lighthouse facility, the lighthouse, foghorn building, and flammable storage unit.  

Please use our on-line form to make your tax-deductible donation.  

You may also send a check to: 

Tibbetts Point Lighthouse Historical Society

P.O. Box 683

Cape Vincent, NY 13618

There are many ways to participate and support us. 

All Donations are Tax-deductible.


Have you ever wanted to have a loved one's name be remembered in association with the beautiful thoughts and memories of the Tibbetts Point Lighthouse?

For a minimum donation of $25 or more, our staff calligrapher can add their name to our memorial book.  The memorial book will display their name in perpetuity as a remembrance for family and friends.

Contact us for more information


Make traditional gift-giving occasions particularly meaningful. Whether it’s a birthday, wedding, anniversary or other special occasion, consider asking those who are celebrating with you to give a tax-deductible donation to The Tibbetts Point Lighthouse Historical Society lieu of gifts by sharing the information below.

Please click on the “DONATE” button above to make your tax-deductible donation.  

You may also send a check to:

Tibbetts Point Lighthouse Historical Society

P.O. Box 683

Cape Vincent, NY 13618


Many people enjoy sitting and watching the sunsets and ships at Tibbetts Point Lighthouse.  If you would like to memorialize the name of a loved one on an Adirondack chair or bench, send us an email.


Did you know many companies offer matching grant programs for employees as well as retirees. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation the Tibbetts Point Lighthouse Historical Society may qualify for a matching grant with many companies.

Check with your employer to see if your monetary gifts qualify for matching grant funds. It’s a great way to double your financial support for the Lighthouse.


Individual Retirement Account (IRA) owners over age 72 may make a transfer of up to $100,000 per year to qualified charities, including the Tibbetts Point Lighthouse Historical Society. IRA charitable rollovers are tax-free and are not included in adjusted gross income. An IRA charitable rollover may fulfill part or all of your required minimum distribution (RMD).

We recommend that you consult your financial adviser and/or a lawyer to determine how this option can best work for you.


Many people believe estate planning is important—but something that can be postponed.  Developing your estate plans today, however, yields many benefits. By including the Tibbetts Point Lighthouse Historical Society in your long-term plans, you can achieve goals that are important to you—and gain the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your wishes will be honored, and others will benefit from your generous gift.

You Could Make a Gift in Your Will or Estate

Making a gift through your will or estate plan can be directed in a few ways:

  • An unrestricted gift for use where the need is greatest.

  • A restricted gift for a specific purpose or project.

  • The endowment fund, a gift that lasts in perpetuity for general purposes.

Naming the Tibbetts Point Lighthouse Historical Society as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, IRA, life insurance policy, bank, or brokerage account is a generous way to make a legacy gift outside a will.

We recommend that you consult your financial adviser and/or a lawyer to determine which planned giving option works best for you.


Do you have an artifact or an item of historical significance relating to Tibbetts Point Lighthouse or the nautical past of the area?   These may include memorabilia from St. Lawrence River boats, historic photographs, letters, etc., as well as larger objects such as ship name signs, model ships, tools, and related material.

We’d love to talk to you about it!  The Tibbetts Point Lighthouse Historical Society accepts these types of objects for donation.  Being a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, all donations are tax-deductible.

If you have an item you would like to donate, please contact us

You must arrange an appointment before bringing your donations to the Visitor Center.  The Tibbetts Point Lighthouse Historical Society reserves the right to refuse donations which are not suited to our collections.

All accepted artifacts will be preserved and cared for, and properly displayed for all visitors to enjoy.  An acknowledgment with your name will be shown if requested.

Get in touch.

Are you interested in volunteering and would like more information? Do you have a question about the donation process?

We’d love to hear from you!